Friday 29 July 2016


It is hard to believe that many people buy auto insurance without even searching for the best and cheapest one. It is understandable, because one time I tried to call some auto insurances around my hometown and found out that the premium is less than $50 in difference. Your insurance company always tries its best to make you think that it is one of the best and cheapest in the business. In fact, it is not true you can always save yourself some money if you follow the step below.
1. Prefer class
It is essential that you know which class of driver that you belong to. Most insurance companies prefer some kinds of drivers according to their driving record and risk. Insurance companies can not openly admit it because it is driver discrimination. Some insurance companies that give university graduates and professionals a preferred class and the premium is 20% to 50% less than other insurance companies.
2. Understand the role of agency and direct writing auto insurance companies
The agency sold you the auto insurance policy received 10% commission of the total premium. This commission is added to the premium for the service which your agency provides and most agencies in your town may carry the same auto insurance companies in their books. Direct writing companies have no agency and the policy is written through phone or at their offices. People in the direct companies receive salary with no commission. It doesn’t mean agencies carrying insurance are always more expensive than direct writing company. If you try to compare them, you will know what I mean.
3. Do not cover your windshield and auto glass
Since there are always $250 to $500 deductible in your auto insurance policy, how much would a windshield replacement cost? Most of them are less than $300 and you don’t want to claim $50 and have the claim written in your record. On the other hand, you can always negotiate for a better price if you pay cash. Any claim in your record will increase the risk of your policy being canceled if you are involved in an accident in the future.
4. Services
If you buy your auto insurance company through an agency, you can ask them if you have any questions but most people either don’t know what to ask or their agents are too busy to give them time. If you are involved in an accident you most likely will report first to your agent and this only delays your claim, especially when you have a loss of use clause in your policy. You always report the accident to your insurance company for prompted service. If you buy your auto insurance from direct writing company, you will be given instructions for what to do as soon as the claim is reported and most of them are opened 8AM to 6PM Monday through Saturday.
5. Stay with your insurance company
After finding the cheapest auto insurance, you should stay with them as long as you can because most insurance companies will not only forgive one or two tickets within 3 years but also only lower one star from your policy if you are involved in an accident. Constantly changing auto insurance company will increase the risk of the policy from being canceled if you are involve in an accident.
6. Do not claim anything less than $1000
With the deductible of $500 or more, claiming anything less than $1000 will increase the risk of your policy from being canceled if you are involve in an accident and reduce the forgiveness period (instead of lowering one star, the insurance company may cancel your policy).
7. Ask for discounts
Always ask your auto insurance agent or company for discount if:
a) You are over 50 years old and up
b) You have an alarm installed in your car
and tell them about
c) You have a good living lifestyle
d) You have a good occupation


Australia’s protection business sector can be isolated into around three segments: disaster protection, general protection and medical coverage. These business sectors are genuinely unmistakable, with most bigger guarantors concentrating on stand out sort, in spite of the fact that as of late a few of these organizations have expanded their extension into more broad money related administrations,
Disaster protection
Disaster protection items sold in Australia incorporate term life coverage and incapacity wage protection. Australian back up plans are uncommon in giving a singular amount Total and Permanent Disability protection. Life back up plans additionally offer superannuation speculation products.Life protection in Australia is sold through go-betweens, (for example, merchants) and direct to the purchaser, truth be told Australia is one of the main nations with regards to offering extra security through direct channels.
General protection
General protection items sold in the Australian business sector can generally be isolated into two classes:
Medical coverage
The Australian Government gives an essential all inclusive medical coverage, Medicare. Private medical coverage in Australia is restricted to those administrations not secured by Medicare or to benefits gave in private healing centers.
The Australian Taxation framework urges center to high pay workers to take out Private Health Insurance. While most citizens pay a 1.5% Medicare demand, an extra 1% Medicare Levy Surcharge is payable by those citizens who acquire more than $88,000 and don’t have Private Health Insurance.


All participants (policyholders) agree to guarantee each other and, instead of paying premiums, they make contributions to a mutual fund, or pool. The pool of collected contributions creates the Takaful fund.
The amount of contribution that each participant makes is based on the type of cover they require, and on their personal circumstances. As in conventional insurance, the policy (Takaful Contract) specifies the nature of the risk and period of cover.
The Takaful fund is managed and administered on behalf of the participants by a Takaful Operator who charges an agreed fee to cover costs. These costs include the costs of sales and marketing, underwriting, and claims management.
Any claims made by participants are paid out of the Takaful fund and any remaining surpluses, after making provisions for likely cost of future claims and other reserves, belong to the participants in the fund, and not the Takaful Operator, and may be distributed to the participants in the form of cash dividends or distributions, alternatively in reduction in future contributions.


Understanding health insurance plans can be confusing to most consumers. Many don’t know where to look or whom to contact for information on the coverage of speech-language pathology services, audiology services and hearing aids, let alone how to interpret the coverage guidelines. ASHA has developed this site to help you, as a consumer, understand your health plan as well as provide further contacts to assist you in understanding and obtaining the coverage you need to receive speech and hearing services.
Private Health Plans
Typically, a health benefit plan is a contract between your employer and a third party (an insurance company). These contracts vary widely depending on the benefits and coverage levels negotiated by your employer. Oftentimes, the benefits information provided by your health plan is confusing-leaving you unsure of what speech and/or hearing services will or won’t be covered.
Remember, the benefits booklet you receive is merely a summary of benefits-not actual contract language. You may need to examine the policy or contract to truly understand your health plan’s coverage and limitations. The policy or contract can be obtained from your benefits manager.
It is vital that you review the speech and hearing benefits information provided by your health plan and employer before you receive services.
Tips and strategies for ensuring that speech and hearing services are covered
Understand Your Benefits
Some things to look for when reviewing your health plan benefits booklet are:
1. Terms such as “speech-language pathology,” “speech pathology,” “speech therapy,” “hearing care, “audiology,”.
o Coverage information for speech and hearing services may also be included under “physical therapy and other rehabilitation services “or “other medically necessary services or therapies.”
o Hearing services may be found under diagnostic services.
2. Coverage of both assessment (“testing”) and treatment (“therapy”) services for hearing and speech disorders.
3. Limitations and exclusions are typically located in a separate section often referred to as “Things We Don’t Cover” or “Exclusions to Coverage”.
Common limitations and exclusions include:
No coverage for speech and/or hearing disorders that have a developmental or congenital cause.
Coverage for acquired disorders only or only for treatment that is restorative or rehabilitative.
No coverage for certain disorders, such as stuttering and autism.
A limit on the dollar amount that will be reimbursed for speech and/or hearing services.
A limit on the number of speech and/or hearing therapy sessions that will be reimbursed.
Coverage may also be limited to certain settings such as a hospital or clinic.
No coverage for devices such as hearing aids or speech-generating devices.
When in doubt, check it out! If you are unsure about the coverage your health plan provides for speech or hearing services call the 800 number listed on your ID card and speak to a customer service representative. Request that they provide any clarification of your coverage in writing .
Remember to keep copies of all documentation, including date, time, and contact person!
Get Permission before Your Visit
Your health plan may require that you obtain prior approval or that a physician “prescribe” speech or hearing services. This may also be referred to as “pre-authorization”, “pre-certification” or “pre-determination”. Read on to find out the subtle differences between these three terms.
Pre-authorization is how the health plan verifies your coverage against the proposed care.
Pre-certification requires that you notify the health plan before undergoing certain diagnostic or surgical procedures. The health plan assigns an authorization number.
Pre-determination is a health plan requirement in which the provider must request confirmation from the health plan that the service or procedure to be performed is covered under your policy.
Every private health plan is different, so you’ll need to call the 800 number listed on your ID card and speak to a customer service representative to determine what speech or hearing services need prior approval. Unfortunately, prior approval does not always guarantee coverage.
Always check with your health plan before having any service performed.
Remember to keep copies of all documentation, including date, time, and contact person!
Educational vs. Medical Issues


Medicaid provides medical assistance to certain individuals and families with low incomes and resources. It is jointly funded by the Federal and State governments. Although the federal government establishes national guidelines, each state has the authority to establish its own eligibility standards, determine the type and duration and scope of services, set the rates of payments and administer the program.
Health Insurance plans Medicaid and Medicare
As part of the plan, the state must offer medical assistance for certain basic services to those living under the poverty level. For adults over the age of 21, the states are not required to provide speech-language pathology and audiology services. To ascertain the coverage in your state, you should contact the state Medicaid agency.
For children under the age of 21, the Medicaid law requires the states to provide hearing screenings and assessment of communication skills and language development as part of the Early and Periodic Screening, Diagnostic and Treatment (EPSDT) service. Based on the findings of this screening, the state must provide services and related devices such as hearing aids and AAC devices to treat or ameliorate the condition. To find out more about EPSDT.
Medicaid recognizes the importance of school-based speech-language pathology and audiology services although it is a medical assistance program. The federal Medicaid program actually encourages states to use their Medicaid programs to help pay for certain health care services delivered in the schools if federal regulations are followed. Contact your local school district to inquire if they participate in the Medicaid program.
In 1965, the Social Security Act established both Medicare and Medicaid. Medicare is the federal health insurance program that is designated for those people who are 65+ years of age. Although directed towards a specific age bracket, Medicare plans are also applicable to certain disabled people.
Medicare covers most services for assessing and treating speech, language, swallowing, hearing and balance disorders. It covers most hearing examinations but it does not cover hearing aids or tests for hearing aids.
Medicare has two major parts: Part A is hospital insurance and is financed through federal taxes while Part B is supplementary medical insurance and has a monthly premium.
Medicare Part A helps cover hospital stays, limited skilled nursing facility care when daily skilled services are needed, home health care and hospice care. Most services for speech, language, hearing and related disorders such as those effecting swallowing and balance are covered in these settings. Medicare regulations allow rehabilitation services when significant functional progress is expected and/or maintenance care is needed.


I have always been very confused about the idea of insurance in Islam and its credibility. I recently had a discussion on this issue with three of my closest friends, and some of them have a clearer idea about it. Two of my friends were in favor of some form of insurance and have their own opinion on this issue, please note that these two good knowledge of Islam. I would not call molvis moderate Muslims, but also a good knowledge of various topics in Islam (although this is not a criterion). I will continue my reservations, their responses and some other points of view here, and would welcome the views of other people here. Please take part in a discussion with his understanding of (any), and you can subscribe to their views and explain that it may be some ambiguities that you or others may have. Thank you.
What is the Court (per cent) and Hara (forbidden) in Islam? 
My understanding is that all of the income, the following criteria
1. Sets
2. It is, without doubt, benefits (no loss)
3. Easy and Work
Savings Bank Account
For me, a savings account with a bank is the purest form of interest, and it is Haram. There is a fixed rate of return for one year, it always will be deposited money and without work or effort on my part. No risk.


Several fatawa (the plural of fatwa, meaning an answer to a question related to an issue of shariah) have been issued by eminent Muslim scholars on the subject of insurance. The objections tend to relate to the insurance contract itself or to insurance market practice in general.
Objections relating to the insurance contract itself are those of riba (usury), gharar (uncertainty), and maysir (gambling). The other objections relating to market practice are usually concerned with two issues: The first is that insurance companies’ investment policies are generally interest-bearing (which is not acceptable in Islam), and the second issue is the fact that life assurance is considered to breach Islamic inheritance rules by distributing the sum assured among beneficiaries. These objections relating to market practice can be easily overcome by the insurer making changes to their company policy, as they do not affect the insurance contract itself.
The objections related to the contract itself, however, require the restructuring of insurance contracts to be in line with shariah.
Riba (Usury)


The first Islamic insurance company was set up in Sudan in 1979. Today there are many Islamic insurance operators in Muslim as well as non-Muslim countries. The main concept of Islamic insurance is that it is an alternative to conventional insurance, with characteristics and features that comply with shariah requirements. This is done by eliminating the objections against conventional insurance. “The term takaful is an infinitive noun which is derived from the Arabic root verb kafal’ or kafala, meaning to guarantee or bear responsibility for.” (Kassar, 2008, p. 26).

The main features of Islamic insurance are:
cooperative risk sharing by using charitable donations to eliminate gharar and riba;
clear financial segregation between the participant (insured) and the operator (insurance company);
shariah-compliant underwriting policies and investment strategies.
Cooperative Risk Sharing
The characteristics of a cooperative include self-responsibility, democracy, equality, equity, solidarity, honesty, openness, social responsibility, and caring for others. While mutuality or cooperative risk sharing is at the core of Islamic insurance, it cannot alone create an Islamic insurance operation. Islamic insurance is based on more than one contractual relationship: The first relationship is a mutual insurance contract between policyholders (contributors) and each other. This is similar to a pure mutual insurance relationship, taking into consideration the concept of donation (tabarru) instead of premiums and an ethical framework of Islamic transactions. The main features behind cooperative insurance are:


There is no denying that insurance costs across the board are beginning to rise. For the past five years insurance costs kept on diving and diving, dipping lower and lower than I have ever seen before in the marketplace. Insurance carriers were writing risks at alarmingly low rates that I knew would not be able to be sustained. One of my previous bosses used to call those carriers “the flavor of the month”. And boy was he right.
Now fast forward to this year. Carriers are beginning to tighten up their reigns and become more
strict on what they will accept and what they will decline. Minimum premiums are beginning to rise again and you most likely are seeing more carrier declination’s from your broker than quotes. Some carriers that flourished during these tough times are at “capacity” and not writing any new business. Ahhhh, the flavor of the month. In turn, some of my clients are having to now scramble, move carriers yet again and take a substantial premium increase due to choosing those insurance carriers.
A few things to note during these times.
It pays to stick with an insurance company that is established and not premature to the marketplace. Your premiums may be a bit higher than the “flavor of the month” insurance carrier. But if you can afford the few extra dollars, stick with the more secure, proven carrier. You will save money in the long run.